Welcome to my humble blog! I'm a cake bakin' gal specializing in wedding, party and GLUTEN FREE cakes and other treats. They're purdy AND tasty!

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Cake Ball/Pop Winner!

And the winner is (after laboriously writing out every name multiple times and cutting out the tiny pieces of paper, folding them and blindly choosing the lucky duck, because I've never done this before, and though I know there is a better method, I have no idea what it is).......Melanie! yesmelanieis@gmail.com Yay! Congrats Melanie!

This was fun. I'm going to have to do it again. Maybe a cookie bouquet next time. Hmmmm....


  1. Go random.org and it will be easier next time! A little FYI!!

  2. Shriek!!! I was totally preparing myself for disappointment, but then I wasn't disappointed at all! Sooo.... now what?
